What is this list? Lately, I have been reading quite a bit of LGBTQ2+ young adult fiction. I was finding it hard to find and identify books with non-binary characters - meaning characters whose gender identity isn't exactly that of a boy or a girl (for more information, check out this page from the National Center for Transgender Equality). Books for young people with non-binary characters are becoming more common, but are still under-represented. It's estimated that 25%-30% of transgender people are non-binary ( Webb et al. ). And so this list was born. It is meant for teens and parents interested in finding more stories including non-binary experiences, as well as teachers and librarians who want to recommend books with non-binary characters or include them in their teaching. It is meant for everyone who just wants to read a good book! If there is enough interest in this list, I will keep it as a living document and will continue to add and update books based on my ...