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LIBE 477 Reading Review 2: Resources on Digital Literacy and Libraries

After some consideration, I realized that my previous research interest broke down into a few sub-categories. The first is on how technology is being integrated into libraries. The second is the definition of digital literacy. The third is on what are standards for digital literacy and how do we make sure students are reaching these standards. The following are just a few of the numerous sources discovered while researching these three areas.

1. Smith System (2019). Learning Commons: How Technology is Changing 21st Century Library Design. Retrieved from

Technology is already being incorporated into libraries and education to varying degrees. This article article discusses libraries are becoming learning commons and are incorporating more technology,  using a specific example of updating a library built in the 50’s.

2. Media Smarts (n.d.). Digital Literacy Fundamentals. Retrieved from

When discussing digital literacy, we need to know what we mean. This site has a very detailed discussion of what it means to be digitally literate, broken down into several categories (how to use, understand, and create). It describes what are considered to be several key concepts. It also discusses what it means to be a digital citizen and how digital literacy skills should be incorporated into various areas of the curriculum.

Digital Literacy model
Figure from, based on Report of the Digital Britain Media Literacy Working Group. (March 2009), DigEuLit – a European Framework for Digital Literacy (2005), and Jenkins et al., (2006) Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century.
3. Heitin, Liana (2016). What is Digital Literacy? Retrieved from

This article is another interesting breakdown of what “digital literacy” means. This article discusses the different skills required in “finding and consuming”, “creating content”, and “sharing and communicating”, as well as discussing the need to continue learning in order to keep up digital literacy skills as technology evolves.

4. International Society for Technology Education (2016). ISTE Standards for Students. Retrieved from

There are standards in technology education that exist, though they are not yet widely used.This page outlines the ISTE’s standards for students in technology education, though the larger website also includes standards for the educator, the CS educator and other groups. They describe various skills students should have in order to be considered competent in seven separate categories: “empowered learner”, “digital citizen”, “knowledge constructor”, “innovative designer”, “computational thinker”, “creative communicator”, “global collaborator”. 

Image credit International Society for Technology Education, 2016

5. Northstar Digital Literacy (2019). Test your Digital Literacy. Retrieved from

How do you know if you are digitally literate? You can test your digital literacy online at this website. This is a series of modules to rate your skill. There are “Essential Computer Skills” (basic computer skills, internet basics, email, Windows 10, and Mac OS X), “Essential Software Skills” (Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint), and “Using Technology in Daily Life” (Social Media and Information Literacy).

These assessments take 5-10 mins and are focused on practical, rather than abstract skills. This seems to include whether or not you can name the parts of the computer you are using. At the end of each assessment, it gives you a list of skills you have mastered and skills that you can improve upon.
Of course, it is slightly ironic that in order to do the “basic computer skills” assessment, you need to have some basic computer skills in the first place.

Basic Computer Skills test results. Screen capture from Northstar Digital Literacy (2019).


  1. You have curated, linked and annotated a good list of resources to help you with your inquiry. I appreciate the way that you are breaking your interest areas into subcategories. This will provide focus for your further reading and research. The multimedia elements in your post further enhanced your discussion and the reading experience for your audience. I am intrigued by the North Star site you listed. I haven’t explored this site and I am curious about the assessments they have built. This is one of my strong personal interest areas. I am looking forward to seeing where your learning takes you.


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